Lab SolidSizer with Color Analysis

Lab SolidSizer with Color Analysis is accomplished by using the fundamentals of the RGB and YUV color scale system. A Canty Lab analyzer is used to continually capture images as the flow of product moves over a vibratory feeder. The camera mounted over the stream is surrounded by a ring light for illumination of the stream. Since specs are a different color from the product they appear in, they are extremely easy for CantyVisionClient software to differentiate. When a color speck occurs, the particle is easily detected and an optional 4-20mA output option can be provided. The CCD camera is connected to a Canty Vector System image processor for analysis.

Lab SolidSizer with Color Analysis


  • Defect particle distribution by color, major, minor diameter, area, perimeter available with Canty Vector System
  • Scale for calibration of sample
  • Adjustable lens magnification (sub micron to macro size in inches)
  • Uniform surface lighting
  • Shape Analysis
  • External video connectors for signal
  • processing by Canty Vector System (optional)
  • Optional light filters available for wavelength sensitive materials

Technology Used

Typical Applications

  • Pharmaceutical powders
  • Polymer pellets and beads
  • Agricultural products
  • Aggregates
  • Detergents
  • Glass bead applications
  • Food products
  • Agglomeration control
  • Spray dryers and fluid bed applications x End product Q.C. and lot certification