- Industrial Gas
- Pharma Production
- Pharma QC
- Refineries / Petrochemical
- Static Control
- Alternative Energies
- Sugar
- Cement
- Tobacco
- Environment
- Paints & Coatings
- Waste Incineration
- Beverage
- Food
- Police / Fire Brigade / Emergency
- Chemical Industry
- Engineering
- Research / Science
- Plastics
- Biogas
- Semiconductors
The Servomex OxyDetect is a breakthrough in life safety: now available for safe and hazardous areas to accurately monitor oxygen (O2) levels without the sensor deterioration that affects traditional electrochemical sensors
- Non-depleting Paramagnetic oxygen monitor designed for hazardous area environments
Technology Used
- Paramagnetic Oxygen Sensors
Typical Applications
- Oxygen Monitoring
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